That reads a little messianic to be honest. I did enjoy your writing, and agreed with the gist of your diagnosis much of the time, but to srike this unheeded prophet tone is a bit much. During covid you predicted that the virus would continue to mutate, spawning ever more deadly variants, which was when I tuned out personally because that’s not what usually happens with pandemics at all. The virus weakened over time just like previous pandemics. This was just negativity bias. Your piece suggests if just your audience had listened we wouldn’t be in this mess, but your audience was nearly all liberals inclined to agree with you. They didn’t vote Trump. The people who weren’t listening probably never heard of you, and while you were very successful as a doom pundit, it behooves us as writers not to imagine the world turns on the words of wisdom dripping from our pens.
Also, to say that we’re better off for having listened (those who did) is not really true. I read you because your analysis broadly aligned with what I was seeing and you had interesting insights. But you didn’t prepare me in any practical or even emotional sense. You never tried. That wasn’t what you were about. You diagnosed but you didn’t offer solutions. With respect I feel your ego has gotten inflated.