Countries have a right to set their immigration levels. That debate is not in itself racist. I did not claim it was. I objected - and continue to - to your flagrantly false and xenophobic claim that multiculturalism is inherently impossible. Sure, we have our share of people who hate aborigines and Asians. And according to the aborigine haters, they’re the cause of all manner of social ills, though of course *we’re the fucking immigrants* in this scenario, and the crime and addiction among indigenous people here is a consequence of cultural devastation and economic privation inflicted on them. The overall sentiment in Australia however is supportive of multiculturalism and the policy has been a success. But you want to say our time of racial conflict is coming. Why is that? Because the idea of harmonious coexistence is inherently doomed? Our history over the past fifty years gives the lie to that. Or could it be because as climate change, wealth inequality and other ills escalate, people ignorantly scapegoat people who look different to themselves? This is happening the world over. It does not mean over immigration is not a real issue in some places or that people can’t discuss immigration policy. But your claim that multiculturalism per se is impossible is factually wrong and frankly its disheartening to hear that position espoused by you, as someone I would expect to be capable of holding a nuanced and thoughtful position on social issues.